Saddle Up: The Journey of Horse Riding Lessons with a Two-Year-Old

As the mother of a lively two-year-old, I’m constantly seeking out new experiences that not only entertain my little one but also contribute to her development in meaningful ways. Recently, we embarked on a thrilling adventure that has quickly become a highlight of our week – horse riding lessons! While some may question the idea of introducing a toddler to such an activity, I’ve discovered that there’s so much more to it than meets the eye.

I have a friend who has a horse farm and instructs riding lessons for children starting at two years old. Just this past weekend she told me to stop by and she would give my little a lesson to see how she likes it!

I’ve learned that sometimes the most unexpected adventures can lead to the most profound moments of growth and connection. So, when the opportunity arose to take my adventure-seeking two-year-old for horse riding lessons, I embraced it with open arms and an eager heart.

Although I was very excited, I was also a little bit nervous! Would my toddler be too young for this type of experience? Would she feel overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the farm? Despite these uncertainties, I trusted my friend and her skills and decided to give it a whirl.

Arriving at the Stables

From the moment we arrived at the stables for our lesson, my toddler’s eyes lit up with excitement. Seeing the horses and experiencing the earthy scent of the barn instantly captured her attention. Before we were even out of the car she was pointing at the horses and saying “neigh!”.

Beginning the Lesson

toddler horseback riding

Before we began, the instructor had my toddler sit on a barrel that was laid on its side. This was to help kids to become familiar with the riding position and to test their balance. My kiddo did great with this and she wanted to get on it again and again (this could just be a fun idea for home too)!

Then to start the lesson, we followed the instructor to the pasture to get the pony. After that, we helped to lead the pony outside the barn where we learned to brush her, care for her hooves, and put on the saddle pad and saddle. The instructor put the most adorable tiny helmet on my toddler and then she was ready to go!

Here we go!

After leading the pony into the small arena, we helped my toddler onto the saddle. The instructor taught her to hold on with both hands and not let go! I was instructed to hold onto her leg at all times incase she lost her balance or wanted off at any point.

Any doubts I had quickly vanished as I helped my toddler confidently navigate her way around the arena, guided by the gentle encouragement of the instructor. With each lap, she grew more comfortable and had sheer joy written all over her face.

Benefits of Riding

toddler horseback riding

From this experience and by speaking with my friend who is the instructor, I’ve come to realize that horse riding lessons offer a multitude of benefits for toddlers. Firstly, there’s the physical aspect – the rhythmic motion of the horse helps improve balance, coordination, and core strength, all of which are crucial for a growing child. Not to mention the sensory stimulation provided by the sights, sounds, and textures of the stable environment, which can help enhance cognitive development and sensory processing skills.

Horseback riding also fosters a deep sense of empathy and responsibility in children as they learn to care for and communicate with the animals. From grooming and feeding to learning basic commands, toddlers discover the importance of empathy, patience, and respect for other living beings –qualities that are often overlooked in today’s fast-paced world but are essential for building meaningful relationships and navigating life’s challenges with grace and humility.

Horse riding adventures can also provide countless opportunities for learning and exploration. From identifying different horse breeds to learning basic riding commands, your toddler’s curiosity will be sparked, and create a thirst for knowledge that is ignited in ways you may have never imagined! Each lesson can become a gateway to new experiences and discoveries, fueling imagination and nurturing a sense of wonder.

Reflecting on the Lesson

toddler horseback riding

Of course, every parent’s journey with horse riding lessons will be unique, and it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to your child’s needs and preferences. But if you’re considering introducing your toddler to the world of horse riding, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the leap – for the memories you’ll create, the skills they’ll learn, and the profound joy it will bring to both of your lives. After all, life is too short to pass up on the opportunity for adventure and growth, especially when it comes in the form of a gentle horse and a fearless toddler.

As I reflect on our journey into the world of horse riding, I am so happy we took the leap and will always cherish the memories we’ve created, and everything that we learned together. From the tentative steps to our first lesson to the confident strides that it ended with, It makes me happy to know my toddler is a fearless adventurer, and her heart is open to the wonders of the world around her.

So, to all the mothers out there considering taking their little ones for horse riding lessons, I say this – saddle up and embrace the journey with an open heart and a willing spirit. For in the gentle rhythm of the horse’s stride and the infectious laughter of your little one, you’ll discover a world of wonder, joy, and connection waiting to be explored. And in the bond you share with your child, you’ll find the true magic of motherhood – a love that knows no bounds and a journey that will last a lifetime.

Have you taken your toddler for horseback riding lessons? I would love to know what you think!



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