Embracing the Chaos: Navigating Church with a Toddler

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bringing your toddler to church

Becoming a parent is a life-changing journey filled with joy, challenges, and a whole lot of unpredictability (hello kids). As a mom, churchgoing is definitely one aspect of my life that looks a lot different. It is a challenge that keeps many parents from attending church with young kids, and I see why! Attending church with an energetic toddler can be daunting at times, but there’s a unique beauty in experiencing spirituality through the lens of parenthood, I promise!

I’ve been bringing my kiddo to church almost every weekend pretty much since she’s been born (2 years). Because I know how challenging it can be, I want to share some tips and tricks that I use to make attending church with a toddler a little bit easier. So, together let’s explore the highs, lows, and everything in between when it comes to bringing a little one to church.

1. Preparation is Key

bringing your toddler to church

Remember in Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2024 – Mom Edition how we discussed setting yourself up for success in different tasks you do throughout the day? Well, this is one of those times! Before heading to church, a bit of preparation can go a long way. You’ll want to stock your diaper bag with snacks (non-messy), a drink, toys (non-noisy), and extra diapers. Having these essentials on hand can help you navigate the service with fewer interruptions. If my daughter wants to bring something special like her blankie, I allow her to. Bringing a special item like this can provide a sense of comfort to a toddler.


Here are some noise-free toys we bring to church every weekend:

Toddler Busy Book

Coloring book and crayons

Pop-it toys like this one by Fat Brain Toys, or an OG one like this one



I like to bring snacks that are non-messy and take a little bit longer to eat so that it will keep her occupied for a longer period of time. Here are some of our go-to church snacks:

Freeze-dried fruit (our favorite brand is Cripsy Fruit – we usually opt for apples or pears for church due to the strawberries being messy)

Yogurt melts


9/10 times we pack freeze-dried fruit to bring along. I love that it’s a healthy, mess-free option!

2. Timing is Everything

Timing IS everything with toddlers! If you can, you’ll want to choose a service time that aligns with your toddler’s schedule. You’ll want to try to choose a time when your toddler isn’t getting sleepy – aka grouchy (like right at naptime). You may want to choose an earlier morning service that is after your kiddo wakes up for the day, or a time right after their nap. After they wake up and are feeling refreshed is a great time to go to church! Well-rested toddlers are more likely to cooperate, making the entire experience more enjoyable for both you and your little one.

3. Choose the Right Place to Sit

Choosing the right spot to sit can make a big difference. We always sit towards the back or on an aisle so that we can make a quick exit if need be. This allows us to be able to step out discreetly without disrupting others if (when) our toddler becomes restless. I love sitting in the back so that my toddler can be a little bit more free if she wants to wander. She does not do well when she is cooped up so I try to give her freedom to walk around when I can! This definitely helps us to keep the peace during church (pun intended).

4. Engage in Child-Friendly Worship

bringing your toddler to church

Many churches offer some type of child-friendly worship. Some churches offer a soundproof room where kiddos are free to make noise that no one else will hear while the parents can still watch and engage in the service – these are great! Some have a nursery you can send your kiddo to where someone else will watch them as they play and you can enjoy the service – also great! Our church has a children’s worship for younger kids that explains the readings more on their level. They are given worship-themed coloring pages and activities to complete while the adults are attending the normal service. This is nice but it only lasts about 20 minutes and then the kids are sent back into the general church population. My kiddo does love it though!

It’s great that churches offer these kinds of activities and accommodations for kids/parents. Options like these definitely help to motivate parents to keep coming back!

5. Embrace the Chaos

Let’s face it – toddlers are full of energy and curiosity. Embrace the chaos rather than stressing over it. Understand that your child may not sit still throughout the entire service, and that’s perfectly okay. You may have set yourself up for success by packing all the things and choosing a service at the perfect time, and things still may not go great. It happens! Anyone who has kids knows this. A good chunk of motherhood is learning to roll with the punches. Remember, they aren’t trying to be contrary, they are just being a toddler! This too shall pass.

6. Connect with Other Parents

You’re not alone in this journey. Take the opportunity to connect with other parents who attend the same church. Share experiences, tips, and even take turns watching each other’s children during the service. Building a supportive community can make attending church with a toddler a more enjoyable experience.

Having other family members or friends sitting by you can also make a big difference! A lot of times my tot stays occupied by her older cousin who goes to our church as well. They love to color and play with toys together! On the occasional weekend she isn’t there, my toddler is much more boisterous! So if you can sit with other family or friends, I highly recommend it!

Attending church with a toddler can definitely present some challenges. Some weekends our tot is a perfect angel, and some weekends it seems like we’re up and about the whole time and nothing occupies her interest. All you can do is set yourself up for success in these situations by being as prepared as you possibly can be and by being flexible.

I often remind myself that it won’t be this way forever, and by bringing her to church regularly she will learn how to behave in time.

Try to embrace the chaos, find joy in the small victories, and remember that you’re building lasting memories with your child.



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