Starting Preschool – Tips & Tricks

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preparing for preschool

As a mom, the thought of your little one starting preschool might fill you with a mix of emotions – pride, excitement, and anxiety to name a few. You’re not alone – so many parents share these emotions as they reach this milestone. The moment your little one steps into a preschool classroom marks the beginning of an exciting and transformative chapter in their life. Preschool is not just about learning the ABCs and 123s; it’s a crucial period for social development, building independence, and fostering a yearning and love for learning.

Here, we’ll explore practical tips and strategies to help you and your child transition smoothly into the preschool routine. From preparing emotionally to establishing a comforting goodbye routine, these insights will help to make the preschool experience positive and beneficial. Whether you’re a first-time preschool parent or looking for ways to enhance the experience for your child, this guide is here to support you every step of the way.

1. Visit the Preschool Together

Before the first day, take your child to visit the preschool. Familiarizing them with the new environment can reduce anxiety for them and you. Show them the classroom, and play area, and introduce them to their teacher if possible. Talk to them about going to preschool and the things they will do. This helps make the unknown more familiar.

2. Read Books About Preschool

preparing for preschool

There are many children’s books about starting school. Reading these together can help your kiddo understand what to expect. Books like “Llama Llama Misses Mama” by Anna Dewdney or “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn can be comforting and educational. Do this consistently at least a few weeks in advance and talk about how they are going to be going to school just like the characters in the books.

3. Establish a Routine

Start a school-like routine a few weeks before preschool begins. Set regular bedtimes, wake-up times, and meal schedules (if it’s an all-day preschool). This helps your child adjust to the new structure and reduces the shock of a sudden change.

4. Practice Independence Skills

preparing for preschool

Encourage your little one to practice skills they will need in preschool, such as using the bathroom independently, washing hands, and tidying up their toys. This builds their confidence and makes the transition smoother.

5. Talk About Preschool Positively

Discuss preschool in a positive light. Share stories about your own school experiences and emphasize the fun aspects, like making new friends, playing games, and learning new things. Your enthusiasm can be contagious and help your child feel more excited. If they have an older sibling, cousin, or friend who has gone to preschool, ask them to talk to your kiddo about it. Having another child talk to yours about preschool and what they liked about it can go a long way.

6. Create a Goodbye Ritual

preparing for preschool

Saying goodbye (especially the first time) may be difficult for both you and your little one, so having a consistent and reassuring goodbye routine can make separation easier. Whether it’s a special hug, a high-five, or a quick kiss, a predictable goodbye ritual provides comfort and a sense of security. Make sure you tell them you will be coming back to get them later!

7. Encourage Social Interaction

Arrange playdates with other children who will be attending the same preschool. This gives your child an opportunity to form friendships before school starts, making the first day less daunting. Everyone knows having a buddy in a new situation can make it 10x easier – this goes for young kiddos too!

8. Label Everything

preparing for preschool

Preschoolers are notorious for misplacing items. Plus, it’s hard for teachers to keep track of what is who’s. You’ll want to label all of your child’s belongings, including clothing, lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks. This ensures that their items can be easily returned if they get lost and that there won’t be any mix-ups.

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9. Prepare for Emotions

It’s normal for both you and your child to feel a range of emotions during this transition. Be patient and understanding. Allow your kiddo to express their feelings and reassure them that it’s okay to feel nervous. Likewise, take care of your own emotions and seek support from other parents or friends if needed, especially ones who have gone through this transition.

10. Stay Involved

preparing for preschool

Show interest in your child’s preschool activities. Ask about their day, what they learned, and who they played with. Attend parent-teacher meetings and volunteer for events if possible. Being involved helps you stay connected with your child’s experiences and supports their educational journey.

11. Pack Comfort Items

If the preschool allows it, let your child bring a comfort item from home, such as a favorite toy or blanket. Having a familiar object can provide emotional security in a new setting. This can be especially helpful at the beginning. As your child gains confidence and becomes more familiar, they may not even need or want to bring it anymore!

12. Communicate with Teachers

Keep an open line of communication with your child’s teachers. Share any concerns, preferences, or important information about your little one. Teachers can provide valuable insights and support to ensure a positive preschool experience. Being in the know and involved is very helpful to all.

Starting preschool is a big step, but with the right preparation and some support, it can be a positive and exciting adventure for your kiddo. Embrace this new chapter with confidence and enjoy watching your little one grow and thrive in their new environment. They will soon grow into themselves and learn to love school, their friends, and teachers. Fostering a love for learning starts young, and it’s a very important and beneficial skill to learn. While it may seem hard the first day – or for the first few weeks – it’ll get easier and you’ll be so proud of your little one!

Here’s to a wonderful start to your kiddo’s preschool journey!

I hope these tips help you and your little one as you both start this new journey together. If you have any questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below!

Good luck and happy preschooling!



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