Toddler Approved : Healthy Breakfast Ideas

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As parents, ensuring that our little ones start the day with a nutritious breakfast is paramount. Breakfast not only kickstarts their metabolism but also provides the energy needed for a day filled with exploration and play.

At Happy Moms Club we love things that are not only nutritious but also easy.

If you find yourself stuck in a breakfast rut, fear not! This post is here to inspire you with delicious and nutritious toddler breakfast ideas that your little is sure to love.

1. Cottage Cheese and Fruit

You may be skeptical about our first option here. Cottage cheese is either something that you love or you hate. Whether it’s due to the taste itself or just the texture of it, it’s not for everyone. However, it is a great high-protein option that you can sneak in with something sweet and delicious like fruit! Cottage cheese and fruit is actually a great combination believe it or not. Combine some cottage cheese with fresh fruit, or combine with diced fruits like peaches, mandarin oranges, or pineapple. This is a simple, yet satisfying breakfast that is rich in vitamins and protein. Don’t knock it till you try it!

2. Oatmeal

toddler breakfast ideas

We still give my toddler the same baby oatmeal we’ve been giving her since she was a baby. She loves it! It’s high in fiber and nutrients, gentle on digestion, and helps to prevent constipation. She eats this a few days a week and to give her some variety, I mash different fruits and freeze them in a small silicone tray. Then I pop a couple out to thaw the night before and mix it in with the oatmeal so that I’m able to give her a different flavor each day! You can mix this oatmeal with water or milk if you want some added nutrients. It’s also nice to be able to control the thickness of the oatmeal. I’m sure she would probably eat regular oatmeal, but she loves this so much, why would I stop?

So baby oatmeal, or regular oatmeal, the choice is yours!

3. Yogurt Parfait

This has become a new favorite of ours, and one I’ve been enjoying too! We use full-fat, plain Greek yogurt and add alllll the toppings! A lot of times flavored yogurt is high in added sugar so we just stick with unflavored and flavor it ourselves.

My little loves granola so we like to layer ours with organic granola, fruit, and honey.  This is a yummy, nutritious, high-protein breakfast option that is a family favorite. You can even encourage your toddler to assemble their own parfait, making breakfast a fun and interactive experience.

4. Eggs

toddler breakfast ideas

Oddly enough, my toddler LOVES eggs! I think it is her favorite breakfast food. Eggs are nice because they are healthy and you can make them with so much variety. Sometimes I will make little egg muffins to freeze that have ingredients like bell pepper, spinach, or tomatoes. This way I can make them in excess and pull them out when I need a quick breakfast for my kiddo. I’m a big fan of these silicone mini muffin pans. I love that you can just pop them out when they are cool and throw them right in the freezer. Whether scrambled, over-easy, or an omelet is your jam, eggs are a great toddler breakfast.

5. Healthy Pancakes

Another breakfast rockstar in our house is pancakes! While I’ll admit, sometimes we cook up some protein pancakes from the box, we also love making healthier pancakes when time allows. My favorite recipe in particular only uses 4 ingredients – eggs, flour, bananas, and milk. These pancakes are high in protein, fiber, and have no added sugar. There are even some swaps you can use to make them gluten and grain-free. I like to add a dash of cinnamon and then they are *chefs kiss*. Take a look at the recipe for these pancakes here.

6. Whole Grain Toast

toddler breakfast ideas

The world is your oyster with all of the topping options for toast. Some of our personal favorites include natural peanut butter, honey, butter, homemade jam, and avocado. This way you can personalize it and pack it with whatever nutrients your heart desires.

If you are into making homemade bread, slice and serve that up instead! That is definitely a hobby I have been wanting to get into, but finding the time is tough. I would love to get my hands on a good sourdough starter!

7. 5-minute Creamy Chia Seed Pudding

This is a great recipe I stumbled upon recently that is easy, quick, and nutritious! It sort of feels like you are eating dessert for breakfast. The only ingredients you need to make this are milk, a creamy nut butter, chia seeds, and cinnamon. Optional additives are protein powder and toppings like granola or fruit! You can find the recipe here.

I always forget to add chia seeds to regular everyday things we eat, when it’s such an easy way to get some added nutrition. It is a superfood after all!

toddler breakfast ideas

There are a million great options out there for toddler breakfast foods. One of my favorite mom hacks is making things in excess when I can and freezing them so that I can easily pull them out later. This is so nice for those busy mornings when you’re trying to get everyone dressed and out the door. Easy and nutritious, what more can you ask for?

There are also some healthier options that you can buy at the store and stick in the microwave. One of our favorites is a brand called Veggies Made Great. They offer muffins and egg muffins all packed with hidden veggies. You could also opt for breakfast pouches as an easy alternative as well.

Even if your toddler is a picky eater, there are so many healthy options out there, they are bound to like one! Even if all your kiddo will eat is fruit for breakfast, it is still giving them a nutritious start to their day.

Just like it’s important to provide our kids with a nutritious breakfast, it is also important for us too! Make these fun, delicious breakfasts for the whole family, and watch yourself become a breakfast person again with the help of your child and us here at Happy Moms Club.

What recipes are you loving for breakfast right now?


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