Our Favorite Toddler Cold Remedies

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toddler cold remedies

Cold season is here in full force nowadays. It is nearly impossible not to contract one of the illnesses going around.

Many kiddos are in daycare and bring home all kinds of things, which means the whole household might be down for the count! My MIL watches my kiddo during the week, so luckily, our little doesn’t get sick as often. Even so, over the weekend, we were all hit with a nasty cold!

I had a few items on hand in preparation for when her first real cold arrived, and luckily, they worked extremely well!

Here at Happy Moms Club, we love better-for-you items, and medications come as no exception!

So, I would love to share the products that we used with you so that you are more than prepared for your kiddo’s next sniffle!

*Disclaimer* I am not a Doctor and am not diagnosing or prescribing any medications. I am simply sharing what has worked well for us. Use at your own discretion. Please do your own research/consult a Doctor before purchasing or giving your child anything I mention below.

Before we start, I’m just going to throw this out here now, I am a BIG Dr. Talbot’s Homeopathic fan! Most of their products are for 6 months+ but please double-check each medication before purchasing/giving your child to make sure! Just like most medications for children, you give an amount based on the child’s weight.

You can purchase Dr. Talbot’s products on their website or from Amazon, and I will link each one below!

Dr. Talbot’s Pain + Fever Relieftoddler cold remedies

I have used this many times for my kiddo to help with pain/fever. It is a homeopathic medication that is acetaminophen-free, dye-free, alcohol-free and is flavored naturally with juice. I usually give this to my child before I go to a Tylenol/Motrin product to see if it will do the job first. More often than not, it does! The description states you may use it for cold/flu-like symptoms, irritability, body aches, fever, and swollen glands. This has gotten us through tough times when my kiddo was feeling less than her best.

Here are the links so you can purchase from either Dr. Talbot’s website or from Amazon.

Dr. Talbot’s Mucus + Cold Relieftoddler cold remedies

This came in handy with our littles cough, runny nose, and the mucus she had. It seriously did wonders! You can give this homeopathic medication every 2 hours. We could definitely tell when it was wearing off and time for more. She coughed SO much less while taking this. Again, it is acetaminophen-free, dye-free, alcohol-free, and flavored naturally with grape juice.

Here are the links so you can purchase from either Dr. Talbot’s website or from Amazon.

Dr. Talbot’s Cough Relieftoddler cold remedies

We are using this homeopathic cough relief now that her cold is mostly gone, and she just has a residual cough left over. This helps to relieve a cough, mucus buildup, sore throat, and congestion. Free from all of the things I mentioned above, this is another great Dr. Talbot’s product that is naturally flavored with Elderberry juice.

This is a little bit different than the Dr. Talbot’s Mucus + Cold relief. The Mucus + Cold relief helps a little bit more with inflammation and is a little bit more of a heavy hitter than the regular cough relief. This is why I chose to use the Mucus + Cold relief more when she was actively sick, and now am using the cough relief just to help kick that pesky cough!

Here are the links so you can purchase from either Dr. Talbot’s website or from Amazon.

Genexa Infants’ Pain and Fevertoddler cold remedies

Last, but certainly not least, for the times when Dr. Talbots Pain + Fever relief didn’t seem to cut it (mostly just overnight), I used Genexa’s Infants’ Pain and Fever relief. This does contain acetaminophen, however, it is much cleaner than the regular brand name Tylenol. This medication has no fillers, is dye-free, aspirin and ibuprofen-free, free from common allergens, and flavored with organic blueberry.

I definitely use this as a last resort, or at night like I stated above, but it is something I can feel better about giving to my child. This is recommended for children ages 2+. The back of the bottle says for kiddos under 2 years, you can ask a doctor for the recommended dose. So if you have interest in using this for your child under 2 years old, please consult a doctor first before using it!

You can purchase this from most pharmacies, but you can also purchase on Amazon as well.

I am so impressed that homeopathic products like Dr. Talbot’s can help her so much, and I can feel good about giving them to her! She also thinks all of these products are super yummy, so that means no fighting to give it to her! Mom win!

We were lucky our cold symptoms didn’t last too long, just enough to make us feel uncomfortable for a few days. But it was so much easier to handle with these remedies (for both my tot and us LOL)! There are so many other homeopathic brands that have raving reviews as well, but we have not strayed from Dr. Talbot’s products because we have honestly loved everything we have used.

Dr. Talbot’s also boasts more than children’s medications. Some of the other things they have include children’s oral care, bottles, thermometers, and even some postnatal care for us moms!

Now if they would start making some adult homeopathic products, we’d be set!

I hope all of you mamas and your babies are staying healthy out there and are getting through this sick season (at least mostly) unscathed. But on the bright side, at least there are some things we can do to help maintain the status quo!

Do you have any homeopathic medications or remedies that you swear by? I would love to hear them! I have been getting more and more into homeopathic remedies lately and have been finding they work very well. So please, let me know!

But, until next time,



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