Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2024 – Mom Edition

Happy New Year, Mama! It’s hard to believe, but we are now halfway through the first month of the year. I love the saying “The days are long but the years are short”, it’s so true. We all know how fast time goes as parents. With time flying by, it’s important that we take some time for ourselves, and also maximize our time with our littles.

I have never been a big New Year’s resolution type of girl. I’m sure you can imagine why. The same reason as most people – it never sticks! So usually I don’t even make one anymore.

Being halfway through the first month of 2024, I’ve been reflecting on the past year’s triumphs and challenges.

Day after day while completing different tasks, I have found myself saying the same phrase. “I am setting myself up for success”. Whether it’s prepping the ingredients for the crockpot the night before so I’m not scrambling in the morning. Or, preparing a few things for dinner during nap time so I can spend more time with my daughter when she wakes up. Even little things like cleaning up as I go or tidying things throughout the day so I’m not left doing it all at once later. You get the picture. I am doing things that will take me some extra time now, so I can maximize my time later. I am setting myself up for success in a different moment.

After I told myself this so many times, I decided this was going to be my 2024 mantra – aka my New Year’s resolution.

So, this year I am going to set myself up for success whenever possible, I’d like to prioritize self-care and growth more and focus on enjoying my journey in motherhood.

So, without further ado, here’s a mother’s guide to crafting achievable resolutions that will empower you to thrive as a mom and set you up for success in 2024.

1. Embrace Self Care

New Year's resolutions

Resolution: “I will prioritize self-care so I can be the best partner and mama.”

I know this is a difficult one, but that’s why it’s such a great resolution to have. As moms, we are so used to caring for everyone else, that we forget to care for ourselves. But, in order to be the best partner and mom, we have to! Whether it’s a quiet cup of tea, a good book, or a walk in the park, carve out moments to care for yourself. Embracing self-care isn’t selfish, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. Make a commitment to schedule regular “me-time” and explore activities that bring you joy and relaxation this year.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Resolution: “I will set achievable goals that align with my priorities and values.”

It’s important to dream big, but it’s also important to be realistic about your goals. Instead of overwhelming yourself with a laundry list of resolutions, focus on a few things that matter most to you. Whether it’s advancing your career, having closer family connections, or pursuing personal hobbies, set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) that align with your values.

You can even make small goals for every day. Girl, a to-do list is my best friend! This keeps me on track for the day and ensures I get everything done that I wanted to. I don’t know about you but I get off in the weeds so often and forget what I was even doing! Then before I know it, naptime is done and I didn’t get anything done that I set out to do! So, lists can be super helpful.

3. Establish Healthy Routines

New Year's resolutions

Resolution: “I will create and maintain healthy routines for myself and my family.”

Healthy routines are the backbone of a well-balanced life. This can be especially tough when you have a toddler whose needs seem to change on the daily and nothing goes as planned. But, creating a healthier lifestyle and sticking with it is so important for you and your family. Even if you start small, try to establish some routines that get everyone’s body moving, that promotes mental clarity, and family harmony. From things like nutritious meal planning to consistent bedtime routines, a structured environment benefits both you and your little ones. Small, positive changes can lead to huge improvements over time!

4. Nurture Relationships

New Year's resolutions

Resolution: “I will nurture meaningful relationships and be a part of a supportive community.”

Motherhood can be a challenging journey, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Strengthen your support network by connecting with other moms, family, and friends. You can join a local parenting group or as I mentioned in Lightening the Mental Load – Mom Edition, join an online community such as a mom group on Facebook to share experiences, seek advice, and offer support. Nurturing positive relationships in your life with people who support you and matter can make all the difference.

5. Celebrate Achievements

New Year's resolutions

Resolution: “I will celebrate both big and small achievements, acknowledging my growth.”

Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. You are a rockstar mom who does so much and doesn’t get enough credit or thanks! Whether it’s conquering a parenting challenge, achieving a personal milestone, or simply maintaining a positive mindset during tough times, celebrate the victories, no matter how small. Just like we celebrate every success with our littles, we should for ourselves too! Recognizing your growth can foster a sense of gratitude for yourself and help motivate your future success.

So moms, as you embark on this journey into 2024, remember that your well-being matters. By embracing self-care, setting realistic goals, establishing healthy routines, nurturing relationships, and celebrating achievements, you are laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling year.

This year, remember to set yourself up for success in everything you do.

Here’s to a year of growth, joy, and unwavering resilience! You’ve got this!


Do you usually make New Year’s resolutions?

Did you make one this year?

I would love to know!




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